Hello, I’m Erika.

I used to be a heroin addict and now I’m a homeschool mom of three beautiful children, praise be to God. I was delivered from demons and now I’m a disciple of Christ! I love to share what the almighty and supernatural power of God can do! If you don’t think you can homeschool I’m here to show you that you can. If It’s possible for me, then it is possible for you.

  • I wouldn’t be here without Jesus.
  • I love being a mom and wife.
  • I can crochet stuffed animals.
  • I have a cosmetology license.
  • I worked for the Department of Social Services on a state initiative to integrate peer support into child welfare practices.
  • My dream goal is to create a podcast platform that God can use to reach millions, where His voice, spirit, and stories can be heard, ultimately to deliver His people.